When I first moved to Switzerland it was pretty hard to find a job, not speaking the language or really knowing anything about the job market here. I decided to make things by pickles my full time hustle and I chucked myself deep into cross stitching and embroidery. From learning the techniques, creating my own cross stitch patterns, capturing peoples favourite pet's in needle point and everything in between. 
I took the time to experimenting and trying things that were out of my comfort zone so I could find what  'my thing' was, and I found that  stitching on dark fabric, chucking in a handful of profanities and/or my favourite beastie boys lyrics/naught phrases and no bullshit attitude, sprinkled with some cute flowers and a dash of  pastel colours sparked all the joy! let me tell you something, there are some real potty mouths out there who like to buy my work and I appreciate all you fellow foul mouthed bastards!  I fully leaned into this and now and again I will stitch things that I would wanna see/buy myself, something different and that isn't all baby names and unicorns *eye roll*  
I still take on commission, so feel free to drop me a message or take a look for yourself.
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