These arachnids scare the hell out of me, but they are so interesting
to draw and you can let your imagination take over, you can over-embellish,
and exaggerate, play with colour combinations and patterns.
Spiders symbolize many different things including artistry, patience,
feminine power, wisdom, and balance.
to draw and you can let your imagination take over, you can over-embellish,
and exaggerate, play with colour combinations and patterns.
Spiders symbolize many different things including artistry, patience,
feminine power, wisdom, and balance.
I know these would be great as prints, on mugs, stickers, totes,
and tees but I would love to have them as murals, on the side of
the big building, on small walls, and on shutters.
and tees but I would love to have them as murals, on the side of
the big building, on small walls, and on shutters.